Saturday, 2024 July 27

CheckItOut! | If You’re Not Doing Something Hard, You’re Wasting Your Time.

The great thing about being an entrepreneur is that it’s hard. There’s no safety net. No regular paycheck. You have to do it all on your own.”

I bet you probably haven’t viewed entrepreneurship this way before.

This quote is from Heidi Roizen’s speech at the Entrepreneurship Corner of Stanford.

For those who don’t know Heidi, she’s someone who knows everyone in Silicon Valley. Heidi founded her own company (and got acquired), later spent a year as VP of Worldwide Developer Relations at Apple, and then became an investor with DFJ Venture.

In the speech, she shares 8 insights on building a fulfilling life and career. And they’re all great! See below the summarization done by First Round Review.

  1. If you’re not doing something hard, you’re wasting your time.

  2. Your ethics set the tone for your life.

  3. Your gut has more information than you do.

  4. Picking your team is the most important thing you will ever do.

  5. The art of negotiation is finding the optimal intersection of mutual need.

  6. Life is actually really, really random.

  7. Get good at using your time.

  8. The 20-40-60 Rule.

You should go check the whole speech out (Text / Video)! True life wisdoms, I must say.

Jason Zheng
Jason Zheng
I'm Jason with KrASIA [kri’eɪʃə], a newborn digital media with a dedication to help Asia uncover its innovations and to create.

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